
Saturday, November 5, 2011


Hazy day in Pontebba!

It's 12:00 in the afternoon! with the clouds and the mountains, looks much later, eh?

Italy is Colorful! Colorato!

I love all the ornamental gates! You will never find two that are exactly they same!

The fountain at the center of town with fresh mountain water!

There is a lot of Italian Architecture represented in many of the buildings! It brings me back to the first lesson of Design History class in college! This is where it all started here in Italy, with the arcade of roman arches, balustrade, cornice, keystones, and portico just to name a few!

The bells started chiming as I took this picture!

Love this Church I found on my walk!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures I took today of Pontebba! Ciao!

Kevin & Amanda

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