
Thursday, November 3, 2011


Stadio Friuli is a beautiful stadium!

Warm-ups, they all just stood in a circle and tossed around the ball to each other! Looked fun!

Kevin and I!

Udinese (Black and White) vs. Palermo (Pink) :)

The Pink fans!

On Sunday the team was taken to see some Italiani di Calcio at the Stadio Friuli in Udine, Italia. The match was Udinese vs. Palermo. The most interesting and fun part of the game was watching the fans, they get so into the game! I loved Palermo's jerseys they were in PINK! Also, Kevin's grandfather was born in Palermo and that is his team, another reason to like Palermo! But everyone their was rooting for Udinese, they have not lost yet this season, just have gotten some ties though. I guess its common in soccer for both teams to not score one point during the entire game! It's a different game too they don't switch lines they stay out the entire game! They must get exhausted! Udinese ended up winning the game 1-0. Ciao!

Kevin & Amanda

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