
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Asiago Fall 2013!

Reminiscing on this great season we have had in Asiago! I have been looking back at so many pictures I have of here that I never posted! Here are pictures taken throughout the Fall! Just love this place! The guys play tonight against Fassa and if they win they will definitely end the season in the number 2 spot before playoffs! Go Lions!

The "Main Corso" lined with shops, cafes, and bars!

Sitting outside at Adler taking some sun!

Tee-shirts in October I'll take it!


Every saturday morning (even throughout the winter) there are markets in downtown Asiago with produce, food, clothing, accessories, jewelry, shoes, whatever you want, they have it! You can sometimes find great things at a very inexpensive price!

Spritz time!

The original Asiago cheese! yum yum nothing like it anywhere else in the world then here! Even in different towns in Italy it tastes completely different!

And of course Italian caffe is the best! Enjoyed at the Cafe right down the street from where we live in Canove!

Pennar! One of my most favorite restaurants in the area! Best to go for lunch- you get a pasta/soup, an entree of some kind of meat, poultry, or fish with a bunch of sides of vegetables of whatever they have that day, wine, water and a caffe for 12 euros! So fresh like a home cooked meal and a great deal!

I have eaten the meat at almost every place in Asiago and a lot of places throughout Italy and still think the meat at Pennar is the best! 

And these are absolutely amazing! I need to learn to make these! Canederli al burro a con salvia!

A very cute cafe located in Asiago! I love the design!

In Italy no Cappuccino's after 10 AM! They are so milky and creamy here, most Italians just drink one for breakfast and eat some "biscuits" which to me is a cookie! 

Panifico! The best bakery ever! Amazing Chocolate Muffins! Kevin and I have been staying away and have not been here since December! Its so good but also so bad ;)

They also serve this bread pizza, which is thicker then most Italian pizzas and the dough is kind of sweet! Yum! Kevin loves it because he says it reminds him of the pizza his Nonna used to make!

And the donuts are incredible!

The center of Asiago!

A nice walk enjoying a beautiful fall day!

The church in Asiago!


The big fella!

In the Fall they move all of the cows down the mountain by walking them! They of course can't go the whole trip at once so they stop at different spots down the mountain for a couple days.

Asiago wins the Supercoppa against Valpellice!

Good job boys!

Kirst and I and baby Rigoni!

Celebrating with the Italians with Prosecco and Dolce!

Kevin reunites with his Pontebba Besties, Inner and Slavo!

They love to cuddle!

Milo is growing!

Kevin's Asiago Bestie, Layne!

Beautiful world!

Milo and his horse friend! He misses them.. they have not been out all winter!

Fall mums!

Tired after playing with Jack!

This is what it looks like when you drive up the mountain to Asiago! Yes we are that high!

Deep into Fall!

peace & love,
K . A . M

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