
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone from Kevin and I! We miss you all and hope you have a Happy Holiday!

Kevin took off for the Czech Republic this morning he has a game there tomorrow night! It's about a 7 hour trip and they are staying the night tonight, playing tomorrow, then heading home right after the game! :) So he should be home about 6 AM on Saturday! So hopefully Kevin and I will have a Turkey dinner on Saturday!

I am thankful for my amazing boyfriend Kevin and this journey we are sharing together! I love you so much and wish you could be at home with me today! <3 I am also thankful for My family and friends that I miss dearly this Thanksgiving! Wish I could be home celebrating with all of you! Sending my LOVE from sLOVEnia! Enjoy the amazing food back home! I am jealous!

I will be going out to dinner for some Italian tonight with the girls! I am also thankful to have company on Thanksgiving with Kevin away! <3

Also in other exciting news! My mom was not messing around with sending the christmas package! Already received today on Thanksgiving! Kevin and I also got a tree last week and decorations! Already getting into the holiday spirit! Never too soon! I love Christmas!

Now I am going to watch the Thanksgiving Parade on Slingbox! :)

Kevin & Amanda

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