
Friday, October 28, 2011


Kevin makes me the best meals! :) Everything we eat is so fresh and delicious and bought locally here in Pontebba. There is different spot to buy meats, as there is for fruit and vegetables, and breads! So Grocery shopping in this small town in Italy is an adventure! When going out to eat there is always balsamic, vinaigrette, fresh bread, and freshly grated parmesan cheese on the table. Bread has to be bought everyday, because it will turn into a rock overnight, But when its fresh its the best. There is no such thing as sliced loafs here in Pontebba. Bread comes in rolls or Baguettes and you have to cut it yourself! I am happy to see that their is Coca-Cola here!

Kevin & Amanda

1 comment:

  1. That is what I love about Italy. Food is bought fresh everyday at markets rather than once a week at a big store! I love your blog and I love that you are having this adventure!!
